Monday, May 12, 2008


       HON`BLE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE J.P.BOMBAY-VUSSONJI MANJI FAMILY . ADVOCATES & SOLICITORS KANGA & KANGA CO.-MUMBAI-INDIA.Mr. Kishore M. Vussonji is Practising an Advocate and Solicitor and is a partner of Messrs. Kanga and Company, Advocates and Solicitors at Mumbai. Mr. Kishore M. Vussonji has been a Practising Advocate and Solicitor for over 25 years. Mr. Kishore Vussonji Kanga and Company Ready Money Mansion 4th floor, Next to Akbarallys Fort, Mumbai Tel: (022) 56332288..Offices Kanga & Co (Mumbai) Readymoney Mansion 43 Veer Nariman Road 400 023 Mumbai IndiaTel: +91 22 2042288 TRUSTEE VISHWAMITRA FOUNDATION.. 1) What makes us special? The trustees are persons well established in their own fields. They share a common vision of improving the economic well-being of those in their immediate society and feel that instead of handing out doles, the best way is to impart education so that the underprivileged can be self sufficient and lend support to their family members. The idea is to set an example and propagate that education leads to independence, builds self esteem and rids of endemic problems such as drinking, wife beating and perpetual indebtedness. 2) Why join the Vishvamitra Foundation? The Vishvamitra Foundation is dedicated to delivering solutions directly to the effected at minimal cost unlike other NGOs whose delivery costs are extremely high. Vishvamitra does not have a bureaucracy where different egos have to be taken care of which dilutes the efficiency of the funding disbursed because not all of it is then well directed. The Vishvamitra Foundation has always wanted to be able to showcase what it has been doing for the under-priviledged so as to maybe enthuse in others the desire to come forward and be more pro-active. The website allows for the Foundation now to be able to put a step forward where we are able to give you a small insight into our functionings.We wanted to be able to highlight everything we have done both past and present and therefore decided to divide our projects into the `Current` and the `Past`. The Projects you see are our efforts to be able to light up the lives of children around the beautiful city of Mumbai and give them hope and belief in life that lies ahead of them. 1) Assisted in imparting computer education for 57 children at "Saraswati Mandir education society (Mahim)". Saraswati Mandir Education Society is an institution which educates children mainly from the slums of Dharavi. Education without any discrimination is provided to all the children in the school. They have two mediums of education, one in English and one in Marathi. 2) Sponsoring meals for 101 children at "Kherwadi Social Welfare Association". The Kherwadi Social Welfare Association was founded in 1928 when late Balasahed Kher came across women carrying pots of drinking water and walking a long distance to Bandra East then known as Chamdawalla-ki-wadi, which was a colony of tanners, living in misera

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